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Citrus Summer Salad

There’s nothing like a refreshing summer salad to get you through your day.  This salad is great for lunch, dinner, a picnic, barbecue…anything!  It is very versatile.  I was never a cucumber fan, but one of my old friends put me on to them one day and now I can’t get enough of them.  Cucumber and tomato are a couple of the main ingredients in this revitalizing salad.  It is very filling and helpful with weight loss goals as well.  Try it and let me know what you think!

Trust the Process

Welcome to the Journey

On my first day back to the gym in over 6-months, I desperately gasped for air on the stairmaster in the basement of the YMCA.  Looking for air ventilation and thinking, I need an oxygen mask before I pass out.  Not my finest moment, but definitely eye-opening as to how out of shape I had become over the past few months.  Clearly cheat day became cheat months, but what’s great about life is you can make a change for the better instantaneously!  So that’s what I did!