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My Yoni Steam Experience


 Last weekend I had the pleasure of having a Yoni Steam and woo! What an experience.  Now what on earth is that?  It is the practice of women squatting/sitting over oil and herb infused steaming water--the epitome of natural.  To be honest, this is something I always wanted to try after seeing a few of the Housewives do it to tighten their “who-ha”! 

Some in our Western society may consider this a fad, but cultures across the globe have been practicing this alternative health treatment for years.  Quite intriguing, even more so once I learned all the benefits of a Yoni Steam through Instagram posts of Cassandra @fatpumpumenergy. Many women are drawn to the idea of a tightened vagina and have this treatment  done prior to getting married in preparation for wedding night.  Others truly enjoy the natural health benefits of the entire experience.

My experience was by far very relaxing and chill.  I was greeted with a cup of homemade hibiscus tea and the sounds of Davido (afrobeats).  Following a series of questions, we chose the best herbs for my steam including Red Raspberry Leaf because it eases menstrual discomfort, which has become an issue for me over the years. 

A hot pot filled with water was prepared awaiting the herbs.  Your steam can last anywhere from 45 to 60 minutes depending on how you feel.  The hot air was extremely overwhelming at first like the steam from an enclosed boiling pot of water after you take the top off; however, once comfortable in the yoni steam chair, I could enjoy this relaxing affair.  An oddly soothing experience.

Benefits of a Yoni Steam
Resets PH balance
Tension release
Good night’s rest

 Increase vaginal wetness

Tightens vagina

Helps with yeast infections

Increase fertility

Shrinks fibroids

Drains cysts

and more...

Risks of a Yoni Steam
Allergic reactions

Vaginal infections


After my steam, I got one of the best night’s rest in a long time.  I was a little tired from this mini spa experience, but overall felt great!  This is definitely something I would do once a month to maintain a good, healthy vagina.  Follow up post in a month to share my next experience and if some of my discomforts were eased.  Is this something you would try?  Let me know in the comments!  I would love to hear your feedback!


     Luv Britt

Additional Info:

Info courtesy of: @fatpumpumenergy

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